What makes a good relationship, even better? You said it, open discussion!
That doesn’t mean criticism, but rather suggestions and opportunities to make things more interesting. When it comes to your love life, you might need to be bold and blunt…
Here are five tips that your hubby should know (feel free to print and share on his nightstand):
1. Making a move might just be the fuel that will ultimately generate her passion. Once she’s turned on, allow her to “jump start” your engine…
2. Direct her to your sexual bliss: if she indulges you with an all body pleasuring and keeps “missing the mark”, what’s the purpose?
3. Foreplay isn’t a game: investing your time and energy in preparing her for the “slam dunk”, will benefit both of you!
4. Keeping up with her doesn’t mean you’re not in charge, it only means you’re a better lover. Remember: haste is a waste…
5. Give her a “minty” oral pleasuring: the cool tingle will blow her mind. Brush intensely or chew a gum right before…