Backpack, Lunchboxes, and 7 Dozen Pencils
The count down has begun for the first day of school. I have to confess that I am ready for the kids to go back. With the move it has been a strange summer and I think we could all use the routine. This is a big year for us. I will have two in high school, one starting middle school, and three in elementary school…yes, my baby is starting kindergarten!!!! For the first time in fifteen years I will have all of my children in school! Last night I decided to start the back to school shopping. I knew this was going to be such a sweet, memorable moment…after all my baby is going to get his first backpack! In addition to the backpacks, each child received a list of supplies they needed. I decided it would be easier if I made one master list. As I made my list I could feel my bank account, my tiny bit of savings, and my retirement account empty out. Here is a SMALL sample of the very LONG list of things the kids need:
Backpacks and Lunchboxes
7 dozen pencils
6 boxes of crayons
13 glue sticks
17 folders with pockets and prongs
8 packs of notebook paper
9 highlighters
21 3 ring binders
5 packs of index cards
3 packs of red pens
3 packs of blue pens
As we head into the store I announce that the first stop will be the backpack and lunchbox aisle. The little girls quickly pick out their princess pink backpacks and lunchboxes. Finn, my 5 year old, on the other hand looks at the backpacks, walks over to the lunchboxes, and then starts screaming…”nothing matches…I can’t shop here” and has a melt down. The older kids are trying to show him how a Star Wars lunchbox will look cool with a Transformer backpack…or that SpongeBob and Buzz Lightyear are friends and can go together. Oh no…my son has suddenly become the Martha Stewart of school items and if it doesn’t match he is not taking it. 30 minutes later, this mom had enough and as I announce we are leaving and will get the rest of the stuff later….he grabs an army green backpack and a lunch box with that color in it. I had to laugh thinking how did this child come from me?
So lunchboxes and backpacks were crossed off the list…but I still need 7 dozen pencils. I wonder how much shipping would be if I just shopped on line!!!