If you feel like your New Year’s resolution to get healthier
has started to fall by the wayside but you still want to improve your lifestyle,
don’t worry!
We have some easy tips to help you jump-start your commitment to a better you. Best of all, they’re totally doable, no matter how crazy the
kids’ schedules (or yours!) get.
1. Follow Our
Red, Green and Orange Rule
At each
of your meals, include either a red, green or orange fruit or vegetable. You’ll focus on what you should be eating
rather than what you should stay away from and you’ll fill up on nutrient,
antioxidant and fiber-rich foods that are low in calories to keep you lean and healthy.
2. Swap Out The Processed Carbs
Replace heavier, processed carbohydrates for quality ones like sweet potato, butternut
squash, spaghetti squash, beans and oatmeal. As we explain in our newly released book, The
Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure: Expert Advice and Tantalizing Recipe for Health,
Energy and Beauty, these foods are fiber and and nutrient-packed sources of long
lasting energy so your brain and muscles will be fueled appropriately to
help stave of cravings and squash hunger. As an added bonus, each of the
vegetables have their own specific health and beauty-related benefits, such as beating bloat, fighting stress, improving
skin tone and fighting cancer, etc.
3. Sneak In
If it feels like too much of a task to get
to the gym each day, sneak in exercise wherever you can. Take stairs instead of
the elevator at work or push your kids on the swings for an arm workout. Even
if you walk around the neighborhood for 15 minutes, it counts. Just get moving!
4. Don’t Blow Calories On Sweeteners
Use zero-calorie
sweeteners like Truvia® natural sweetener* in your coffee, tea, oatmeal and
yogurt to cut calories. Calories
sneak up everywhere and any time you can save calories will benefit your
waistline and ultimately your health! If
you save 100 calories a day that equals a 10-pound weight loss over the course
of the year!
5. Shut Off Your Electronics 30 Minutes Before Bedtime
Computers, TVs, phones, IPads – they all stimulate your mind and disrupt
sleep. Interrupted sleep and sleep deprivation slows your metabolism and
negatively affects your immune system.
Have you made any lifestyle changes this year? Share them in the comments section below!
* The Nutrition Twins work with Truvia to help people to enjoy
delicious, sweet food without extra calories and without artificial sweeteners.