1 min read

How to Surprise Your Grandparents About a Pregnancy

For your grandparents, learning that a fourth generation is being added to the family will likely be exciting news. While you can always call them and simply say ,”We’re pregnant,” news of this magnitude is best delivered with a little planning and preparation. Delivering the news in a planned and special way will also allow you to capture their response in photos or video. When your child is older, you will then have the opportunity to show him just how excited his great-grandparents were to learn he would be joining the family.

Step 1

Keep your pregnancy quiet. If you want to surprise your grandparents with the news, you will have to be sure no one else tells them that you are pregnant first. If you share the news with your family, ask them not to share it.

Step 2

Make or purchase a custom-printed button for each of your grandparents. For your grandmother, include the text, “Proud Great Grandma,” and for your grandfather, “Proud Great Grandpa.” You can make your own buttons using supplies found at a craft store, or you can order custom-printed buttons from various online retailers.

Step 3

Invite your grandparents out to dinner. Taking your grandparents to their favorite restaurant will set the tone for a wonderful night.

Step 4

Enlist a restaurant employee to help take photos or video. Call the restaurant in advance and share your plan. Ask if anyone can assist you in capturing your grandparents’ response to the news.

Step 5

Order your food and casually mention that you saw something that made you think of them. Cue your restaurant employee assistant, and take the buttons out of your bag.

Step 6

Present your grandparents with their customized buttons.

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