9 mins read

April Astrology Reading

April begins on a confusing note, Mercury retrograde finally moves ahead on the fourth, and Mars by the 15th, the Sun squares Pluto, and Uranus sits right there too. So there has been an overall sense of being hemmed in and frustrated. Take the lottery for instance, 173 million disappointed people left feeling like April Fools !

2 mins read

Birthday Games for 2-Year-Olds

If you have a party full of 2-year-olds, you will need some activities to keep them busy. You can keep those little children, just out of infancy, out of trouble by filling their hands and time with games. Although 2-year-olds don’t have a lot of competitive drive, skills and logic, they are learning to play together, to work as teams and to try to win. Introduce some simple games to keep your 2-year-old and his friends having fun throughout the party.

2 mins read

Dance Games for Kids

Dance games are fun for everyone. They harness the rhythmic, creative mind of kids and encourage them to reach new goals with their dancing. You can encourage kids to work out their antsy energy or rev them up before sports practice or exercise. Dance games are good for kids and for adults.

3 mins read

Fun Teen Birthday Games

Birthday parties are popular events on the busy social calendars of many teens. These festive occasions give teens the opportunity to join with their peers and engage in rambunctious fun. At these gatherings, teens enjoy kicking back and spreading the current gossip. To add excitement and create party structure, you can plan party games. Teens are a tougher audience than youngsters as they sometime delight in rebelling against structure and are often turned off by games that they deem childish. However, with carefully planning, you can woo even the most cynical teen and entice him to engage in a competitive game.