6 mins read

Heal Yourself to Heal Your Kids

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”, has been a rousing mantra since Ghandi first shared those words with the world. Powerful words, but not always easy to practice. Too often we are the opposite of what we desire to be. Despite our best intentions, we find ourselves being reactive, fearful…

12 mins read

Making Mom Friends During Covid-19

I’ve never had trouble making friends. In high school, I was that kid who bopped from group to group, never settling with any one posse, happily getting along with people from all different social circles. And then I got older. And then I became a mom. Our friends and colleagues were split… They were either…

5 mins read

A Difficult Autism Experience

A Difficult Autism Experience I recently spoke with an AutMom who had this experience… Her nine-year-old son with autism attends a local elementary school. For about a year or two, her son was having difficulty with an obsession—a peer. A girl peer. Her son was convinced that this girl was his girlfriend. He was in…

4 mins read

Teaching my Daughters to be Upstanders on Social Media

In partnership with the Forward Influence Network, this post is sponsored by Google. Online predators. Inappropriate content. Exposure to adult themes. Bullying. These are the cornerstones of fear I carry as a mother as my children get closer to entering the world of social media. I can let that fear guide me or I can…