3 mins read

Smart Phones are Smart for Homework Time, Too

When I was growing up, “homework time” looked like this: books and papers spread across the kitchen table, TV turned off and all other distractions kept to a minimum, including phone calls with friends (on the shared family phone with the eternally tangled chord). Mom-enforced. Fast forward several decades. Recently, I went upstairs to check…

9 mins read

7 Baby Monitors Tested and Reviewed For The New Mom

As a a first time mom, there can be a lot of things that scare you. (Read: my story.) As soon as your baby is born, you come to the overwhelming realization that it's your sole responsibility to keep make sure baby thrives. This means feeding baby, changing baby, making sure baby naps and generally just keep an eye…

6 mins read

Psoriatic Arthritis and Taking Charge of Your Health

At the start of the year, many people resolved to take better control of their health – by making necessary doctors’ appointments, exercising more, eating more fruits and vegetables, and losing weight. As moms, it can be difficult to make our own health a priority, but it’s very important to do so. Taking control of…