2 mins read

Pregnancy 39 Weeks

By the 39th week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers are uncomfortable and anxious for their baby to arrive. Many OB/GYN’s will begin to think about induction at this point if the mother is interested and if there are any medical concerns for either the mother or unborn baby.

3 mins read

Baby Gender Selection Methods

It’s natural for a father who already has three girls to want a boy next time. But should he be able to make that choice? Reproductive technologies exist to make sex selection a reality. However, many people believe that sex selection is ethically wrong. The UN reports, for example, that every day in India, 2,000 women abort a baby girl. Called feticide, this is a form of sex selection. When sex selection occurs for medical reasons, many people support the phenomenon.

5 mins read

What to Know When Planning to Get Pregnant

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you and your partner have probably passed Birds and Bees 101. However, before you start the countdown to your next ovulation date, you have more important things to consider than getting your timing right. The American Congress on Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, stresses the necessity of scheduling a pre-conception visit with your doctor to make sure that you’re in optimal health before you get pregnant.

3 mins read

Important Things to Do Before Having Your Baby

The birth of a child is an exciting and highly anticipated time for new parents. Before the big day arrives, several important tasks should be considered. By handling these tasks before the birth of your baby, you can enjoy the birth and the time with your newborn. The hormones of pregnancy combined with the excitement of the impending birth may cause you to overlook these important tasks.