3 mins read

Halloween Cubicle Decorating Ideas

Are you a working mom? Add a touch of spookiness to your office space this season by decorating your cubicle in a spook-tacular fashion. We’ve put together a few creative ideas for cubicle decorating themes to help you celebrate Halloween. Remember, adding a festive touch to your office space may be just what your co-workers need to get in the holiday spirit!

4 mins read

Why Our Daughters Need To Play More Video Games

Girls today are steering away from math, science and computers in record numbers.According to the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of women graduates in computer science is at a 39-year low. In 2012, women in the U.S. earned only 19% of all math and computer science degrees (compared to 37% 20 years ago) and made up less than 25% of the workers in engineering and computer-related fields. Fewer than 10 percent …

7 mins read

When Bad Parenting IS Our Business

I can imagine few things more horrifying than living for months on a 36-foot sailboat with a 3-year-old and 12-month-old.Youd have to pay me, oh, about 20 million bucks to step foot onto a small sailboat with two young kids.And even then, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even take kids that age on an ocean liner cruise ship. For the simple reason that I would be endangering the lives …

11 mins read

May Astrology

Our galactic vessel has landed on the rocky shores of May 2013, and its strange territory indeed. Oh you may ask, what happened to those nice Druid Beltane and May Day festivals? This fracas of Saturn and Mars will start off the early days of this month with a clash of symbols, i.e. the impulsive son, whose restrictive and disciplinarian dad is taking him to task.