2 mins read

Foods That Help Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a medical condition in which the esophageal sphincter that normally separates stomach acids from entering the esophagus fails to remain closed. The digestive acids that enter the esophagus can cause severe heartburn, bloating and nausea. Foods containing high amounts of fat, spices, garlic, onions or citrus-containing ingredients can all cause the condition. Fortunately, a number of foods can help decrease the incidence of painful heartburn episodes for acid reflux sufferers.

6 mins read

Early Childhood Caries (ECC)

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, Baby Bottle Syndrome, Nursing Bottle Mouth, Early Childhood Caries (ECC); these are all terms for tooth decay in a child 6 years old or younger with: 1 or more decayed teeth Missing teeth (resulting from tooth decay) Filled surfaces in any primary (baby) tooth Tooth decay in baby teeth leads to tooth decay in adult teeth. It Can Happen to Your Child

4 mins read

Why Is Yogurt Good for Women?

There are a number of practical reasons why yogurt should be included as a regular food source in a woman’s diet. Since calcium is needed for maintaining strong bones, women who do not meet the daily requirements for calcium are at greater risk for developing osteoporosis, which could eventually lead to bone fractures in the hip, spine or wrist. An 8-oz. cup of plain low-fat yogurt contains more calcium than an equal serving of milk, but you should choose a brand that is low in fat and calories and has few additives.

3 mins read

5 Tips for Healthy Holiday Feet

Are your feet aching from all the preparation and planning of the holiday season? Dont let sore tootsies ruin your winter break! The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons offers five tips to healthy holiday feet: