11 mins read

Breaking the Cycle of Alcoholism

Have you ever had that moment when you stop and say, how did I get so lucky? Well, I wish I could say that the happiness I live today was all luck but it was a long journey of healing to get to a place of joy. When I was young I had a troubled…

3 mins read

The Negative Effects of Single Parent Homes on Children

Most single parents want the best for their children despite the circumstances. Although there are an increasing number of single parent homes in the U.S., the effects can often be long-term for kids who are in the care of a single mother or father. When you want to learn about how children are affected by…

7 mins read

Bad Bedside Manner: Why Background Checks Are Important

I had to have dermatological surgery last week. I’m okay; it’s just another mole gone rogue. When my (new) dermatologist referred me to a particular surgeon, I didn’t question the recommendation. Come to think of it, I didn’t do much of a background check on my new dermatologist either, because she was in my insurance network.

12 mins read

Helpful Tips for Empty Nest Moms

If youre a seasoned mom who woke up one morning and suddenly wondered, OMG, how did I get here?and then cringe, you just might be experiencing what is commonly referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.

3 mins read

How Loveys Can Help Comfort Your Child

In our house Dyl has his Doggies, Ry has his Gigis (giraffes), and baby J has his Ellas (elephants). These are toys that we introduced to our kids around the same time we sleep trained them at four months. During sleep training we give up on continually replacing the soother that inevitably falls out of…