4 mins read

The Art of Not Parenting

There are lots of difficult things you have to figure out when youre a parent. For example, how do you clean puke out of a shag carpet? What do you do with a pee-soaked mattress? Also, is it possible to get marbles out of a toilet? But oh, if only all of the problems of parenthood could be easily solved with a quick search of ehow, or a frantic call to Roto Rooter.

5 mins read

Quick, Hide The Knives

Two articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic Monthly describe new research that unearths the phenomena of womens so-called indirect aggression.Unfortunately, the findings are described in distinctly negative terms. The Evolution of Bitchiness, is the Atlantics title.A Cold War Fought by Women is the slightly less derogatory title chosen by the Times.These august publications are two of the oldest, WASPiest, Harvard-est publications in the nation, devoured by our …

6 mins read

Parenting in the Age of Online Porn

Flash back to sixth grade. Curious about my body, puberty, and all the rest, I spent hours lying on our living room rug as a 12-year-old, pouring over my parents’ huge Merriam Webster dictionary, looking up anatomically correct, gender specific verbs and nouns. There were even a few illustrations. A remarkably quaint scene today. Recently, while…

4 mins read

Alone… and Loving It!

One of my grandmothers was married three times. Each time a husband died, she found another within a year or so. My other grandmother lived the same way. Her adored soulmate died after 25 years of marriage and a cruel illness; within a year she had a new last name.

4 mins read

Why Don’t Boys Like to Read?

Boys as a rule dont read as well as girls. And a major reason for this discrepancy is that girls tend to read for pleasure, while boys don’t. What accounts for this difference?